Monday, June 13, 2011

Words of wisdom, or so I hope...

The instructor made a very thought provoking statement tonight:

"Martial arts is eternally humbling."

Short & sweet, but very, very true nonetheless. No matter how long you train, you're always going to run into something challenging, where you must then submit to the technique, the pattern, the bag, etc. You are not always going to win. You are not always going to be the fastest or the strongest. And training in the martial arts definitely reminds you of this each and every day. This is why those with egos that exceed their capabilities don't usually last very long. Those who are willing and able to realize that martial arts is more than a "sport", but rather a lifestyle will find they get much more out of their training than those who see it as a contest. Martial arts is not always about being #1, sometimes it's just about getting back up when you've fallen down and keep going on.

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