Tuesday, May 31, 2011

yet again. i've gone too long.

the last time i trained was during the week off that i had between the end of school and the beginning of my summer classes. so, that means the last time i trained was may 18th. -_- not cool. and on top of that, the training was mediocre at best. while those who are testing within the next 6 months are putting in no extra effort to master their material, i'm training my ass off. i've got a minimum of 2 years for sure before i can test again and i'm busting my ass to get ready already. luckily the club here at school is starting up again this week after having some issues with booking a room due to a flood in the gym we normally train in. i cannot wait. there's a ton of built up frustration and anger that i need to release and the gym is just not cutting it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


then, i'll be home and able to train at my studio.
too bad i'm only home for a week :(
guess i better make the most of it :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I haven't trained since 4.28

This whole exam thing is starting to become a major problem. :( I can't wait to be home this time next week training at my studio for the week that I have off between spring and summer sessions! I'm literally going to go to every class available. Maybe I'll just sleep there. Hahaha. Just kidding. But seriously, I can't wait.

Monday, May 2, 2011

When I read things like this...

"The overwhelming majority of those who practice martial arts will never achieve even a modicum of celebrity or wealth, but they do acheive something significant in their lives. An obscure martial artist is still a true martial artist, and that intrinsically is a great achievement because the meaning lies in the difficulty of the effort itself." -unknown
I can't even begin to describe the pride that I feel inside for my art and training. It's things like this that makes me just want to train every day of the week and focus on nothing else. Can't wait for class tomorrow night! :)