Sunday, August 28, 2011


My ankle is still not right. It's slightly swollen still and hurts when I move it certain ways. I am able to walk on it, but I think that this might have prevented it from healing properly. Either that, or the doctor misdiagnosed it and I've done something worse (torn ligament or something of that nature) in which case, I'm screwed more than likely.

Because of this injury, I didn't train for almost a month. The first time I went back was this past Wednesday, and even then I didn't do too much. I pushed it a little further on Thursday, which caused me to have to sit out for about a quarter of the class & help the others.

Then, there was Saturday. I shouldn't have been training at all on a still injured ankle. However, when the visiting master says (and I quote) "I want to see what you've got", there's no way I'm taking that as anything but a challenge. So, I dressed out, warmed up and proceeded to "test" with all the other candidates for about 2.5 hours. Big mistake. While I don't think I injured my ankle even more, I can definitely feel the side effects of training so hard after an entire month off. I've definitely learned my lesson and will be staying off of it as much as possible until it is healed and I get a clean bill of health. Then, it's game time, which hopefully means back to the gym at least 4 to 5 days a week.

Until then, I will have a rather uneventful blog. My apologies. :(

Take care! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ankle update

So, if you've been bored enough to actually read this, you've realized that about a week and a half ago now I sprained my ankle pretty badly, which has rendered me unable to train or pretty much do anything besides walk.


Unfortunately, while it has gotten better, it still isn't nearly as healed as it needs to be for me to get back on the mat yet. :( Whenever I rotate my ankle I can still feel some pain down the side, so for now I have decided to keep from training still. As much as it kills me not to, I know it is for the best to stay away from anything that could injure it further and therefore put me out of commission for even longer.

Let's hope that this thing heals up soon. I'm sick of missing out on awesome training sessions!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Potentially hurt my ankle. Cool.


Really? All I did was a round house kick on the heavy bag and then somehow ended up rolling my left ankle on my standing foot. Pretty early in my training session, too. Which of course meant that I wasn't able to continue because I didn't want to injure it even more. Time to ice up I guess.

UPDATE: If it wasn't sprained before then it surely is now :( Rolling it twice in one day isn't very helpful, I guess. Especially when you're wearing shoes with a slight heel, you step off a curb to cross the street, onto something underfoot the wrong way and completely turn it in. Ugh. Wonderful.