Sunday, July 3, 2011

6.28.11 - 7.1.11

Classes have been pretty typical. Basics, hyungs, il soo sik, repeat. With a little bit of new details thrown into the mix though. Along with sparring and learning some muay thai! :D

Although we did do gun defenses on Thursday night, which was pretty interesting. Personally, you pull a gun and I'm giving you whatever you want. That's just personal though, and still, it was kind of fun learning some defenses against a gunman.

Friday (7.1) was probably the best day of training. I first went to the TSD open mat at 2pm and worked on some more forms and did some bag work. It's pretty hot in the room we're in, so I didn't try to push myself too hard see as at 6pm I was going to the TKD open mat. Now, I cannot stand TKD, personally most all styles are just a sport to me, not an art. I made an exception though. I met a guy last week that is a cho dan in TKD and we talked a lot about our training. Eventually, he challenged me to a sparring match, which I accepted of course. So, Friday night we sparred and it ended up going alright. I haven't sparred in ages and I'm not a huge fan in the first place (but when I'm in top form, I'm good).

Friday was also the day that I unexpectedly got to learn some muay thai, which I've always been interested in. It was really basic stuff (obviously), but it was really tough! The techniques aren't done anything like how they're done in TSD or TKD. Even the hand positions and stances are completely different. I'm very intrigued though. Especially since the GIRL that was teaching it was a kick ass instructor! It was so awesome to see another girl out there that all the guys know to stay away from and not mess with because she could do some serious damage. I loved it!!!

Unfortunately though, classes have been cancelled this weekend for July 4th celebrations and I start my new class next week which will make it impossible to train Monday through Wednesday nights. :( So, my amount of time training is going to be significantly cut down from 6 days a week to 4. Only 6 weeks of this though!!! :)

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